In the frame of the thematic actions of the GDR 2588 / MIV and the GDR Metice, we are happy to announce a joint workshop on "BioImage Informatics and Modeling at the Cellular Scale" which will be held from the 30th of June to the 2nd of July 2014 at the Institut de Mathématiques in Toulouse.
The temporary program is given here. The first part of the workshop will focus on image analysis for high content and high throughput screening image data analysis. The second part will be dedicated to the interaction between image analysis and modeling in biology. Finally the last part of the workshop will be dedicated to mathematical modeling from cells to tissues.
Registration to this event is free but mandatory:
All participants are encouraged to present a poster (A0 portrait size) and to present it in 2 minutes during a fast-forward session.
The thematic days will take place from the 30th of June to the 2nd of July :
- 30/06: High content screening (more specific to GDR 2588).
- 01/07: From images to mathematical models (this day will be common to both GDR).
- 02/07: From cells to tissues (more specific to GDR METICE).
Confirmed speakers (for GDR METICE) are:
- Davide Ambrosi (MOX, Milan)
- Marino Arroyo (Barcelone)
- Hugues Berry (INRIA Lyon)
- Marie Breau (LBD Univ. Paris 6)
- Marie Doumic (INRIA Paris)
- Dirk Drasdo (INRIA Paris)
- Christèle Etchegaray (Univ. Paris Sud - Univ. Paris Descartes)
- Philippe Garteiser (INSERM)
- Laetita Giraldi (ENS Lyon)
- Michael Leguebe (Univ. Bordeaux)
- Thomas Lepoutre (INRIA Lyon)
- Lionel Moisan (Univ. Paris V)
- Diane Peurichard (Univ. Toulouse)
- Franck Plouraboué (IMFT Toulouse)
- Daniel Riveline (IGBMC Strasbourg)
- Angélique Stéfanou (TIMC, Grenoble)
- Olivier Theodoly (Laboratoire Adhésion et Inflammation, INSERM/CNRS, Marseille)
Confirmed speakers (for GDR 2588) are:
- Raphael Carazo Salas (University of Cambridge)
- Victor Racine (QuantaCell)
- Kristine Schauer (Institut Curie)
- Thomas Walter (Institut Curie)
- Nathalie Aulner (Institut Pasteur)
- Audrey Repetti (LIGM, Université Paris-Est)
- Férréol Soulez (Univ. Lyon)
- François Nedelec (EMBL Heidelberg)
- Alexandre Dufour (Institut Pasteur)
- Thibault Lagache (Institut Pasteur)
Jérôme Boulanger, Alexandre Dufour, Jérôme Fehrenbach, Nicolas Meunier, Olivier Saut, Thomas Walter, Pierre Weiss